There is perhaps a massage that exists for every type of muscular pain in medical history, and if there isn't one then a remedial massage session should be able to make up for it.
It is not uncommon for physiotherapy clinics to have a remedial massage in their repertoire but many wonder what it is exactly. Is it similar to a deep tissue or Swedish massage ? Will the session hurt ? Does it include aroma therapy ?
Does it include extra perks similar to facial services near Essendon ? This blog seeks to answer all such questions .
Keep reading to know more !
What is Meant by Remedial Massage Therapy ?
Remedial massage therapy employs specific soft tissue massage techniques in conjunction with other physiotherapy techniques. This method is focused on treating damaged, knotted, tensed and immobile muscles.
Unlike other massage techniques such as a full-body massage, remedial massage therapy is more concentrated and tactile in approach. Remedial massage sessions are usually performed by highly knowledgeable and skilled health professionals who treat specific injuries using remedial massage techniques.
What Conditions can a Remedial Massage Help with ?
People who are suffering from the following conditions are most likely to benefit from remedial massage therapy sessions ;
[1] Muscle Sore
[2] Pain or Tightness in the Body
[3] Posture Related Issues
[4] Joint Pain
[5] Recurring Headaches
[6] Issue with Flexibility
[7] Anxiety and Depression
[8] Sports Injuries
[9] Hypertension
[10] Chronic Disease
[11] Stress
[12] Injury Management
Those who are already seeing a physiotherapist for any one of the above-mentioned conditions can also opt for a Remedial Massage Session.
Difference between Remedial Massage and Massage Therapy ?
There are a handful of traits that differentiates a Remedial Massage Therapy Session from other types of massages. These traits have been mentioned below ;
[A] Professional Practitioner :
Unlike most massage methods, a remedial massage session is only performed by an experienced medical practitioner.
[B] Targeted Approach :
Remedial massage sessions are targeted at treating specific pain in the muscles.
[C] Focused on Healing :
Whereas full-body massage techniques provide general pain relief, remedial massages are actively focused on healing injuries.
[D] Therapeutic :
Remedial Massage can often be seen as a fundamental part of many physiotherapy sessions.
What to Expect ?
A therapist providing a remedial massage is more focused on healing the specific areas of the body where the pain is located.
The connection between the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones needs to be released from tension, the effects of which permeate throughout the rest of the body. The therapist can recommend techniques to alleviate pain from specific muscles.
The following aspects are more or less common in all massage therapy sessions ;
[1] Health History :
A typical remedial session starts with the therapist asking the patient about their medical history. They may also enquire about their daily activities, habits and symptoms they might be experiencing, to determine the appropriate course of action.
[2] Observation :
After the initial assessment, the therapist may ask the patient to walk around the room or do a range of movements. While doing so, the therapist would observe the patient's movement and posture to identify where the body is feeling restrictive.
[3] Joint and Motion Range Test :
The therapist will conduct a range of motion test on the joints to gain a better understanding of their strength and flexibility issues.
[4] Neural and Orthopedic Test :
A few more tests will be conducted over a short duration to see if there is any more information that can be gained.
[5] Remedial Treatment :
This is the stage where the therapist will conduct the actual remedial treatment. This is by far the longest portion of the entire session. They may also apply creams and oils that make it easier for them to apply pressure on the skin.
The patient must be clear about what ails their body so that the therapist knows exactly the condition they are treating during the Remedial Massage in Tullamarine. The more clarity the therapist has over the patient's condition, the more effective their treatment will be !