While it great that you work out regularly to stay in shape, occasionally you also need to get a full body deep tissue massage. They benefit your body immensely and if you are refraining yourself from this recuperative treatment, then you may as well as be doing a great disservice to your body.
In fact, the common word of mouth being - those who work out on four or more occasions should look to get a full body deep tissue massage once in every two weeks. Else those worked up muscles will remain tight, in a knot and eventually hamper your exercising sessions.
Digging Deeper Into Its Explanation
Such full body deep tissue massage treatments mainly involve treating the musculoskeletal issues namely sporting injuries and strains. Moreover, the process mainly involves sustaining pressure with the help of deep and slow strokes aimed towards some of the inner layers of your connective tissues and muscles.
This treatment assists break up the existing scar tissue which normally occurs post an injury and lessens tension in your muscles and tissues.
Respective deep tissue masseurs/masseuse operating in and across Tullamarine further opine -
This treatment promotes quicker healing by lessening inflammation and improving overall blood circulation
Let's explore More Beneficial Reasons To Go For Such Recuperative Full Body Deep Tissue Massage Treatments.
Improves your sleep and causes a boost to your serotonin
Helps lower levels of stress hormones and boost feel-good neurotransmitters called dopamine, endorphins and serotonin
Decreases muscle knots, heals overworked muscles, chronic muscle pain as well as connective tissue (fascia)
Positively impacts your overall health, reduces blood pressure and improves lung functionality
Also helps treat certain common conditions namely - sports injuries, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, sciatica and so on
Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Deep Tissue Massage
Now that you have a clear idea of those noteworthy benefits of a full body deep tissue massage, here are some surefire tips which help you get the most out of your sessions.
Drink plenty of water to keep those muscle tissues healthy and way easy to manage
Avoid working out too soon post your massage treatment. The wise thing to do is to rest for at least 12 hours prior to your next session
You can indulge yourself in a cold bathtub to maximise recovery
Above all - look to schedule a session once every 2 weeks for a minimum duration of 75-90 minutes to keep your muscles healthy loose and pain-free
Ready To Schedule Your First Full body deep tissue massage in Moonee Ponds - Call Us!